For the uninitiated. The name is an acronym for “Searchable Log of All Conversation and Knowledge. Slack is an App for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, Mac and a Webapp for Chrome Browser. At its heart, Slack is an instant messaging and collaboration system on steroids. It allows compartmentalized messages, discussions and notifications by purpose, department or topic and is extremely popular among tech companies and developers. It allows users to send private messages, direct messages, share large files and search for collaborations. The trouble at Slack first started at 8.38 am PST and swiftly all Slack users around the world started reporting problems. Slack users immediately took to Facebook and Twitter to vent their fury against the outage.
— Slack (@SlackHQ) March 7, 2017
— DobieCrypt Security (@DobieCrypt) March 7, 2017 Slack support team insisted that they were facing a small glitch and the services should be up and be running in few moments. We are conducting our own investigations for the Microsoft, Instagram and Slack outage and whether any hacker group was initiating a DDoS attack against these services. Update: services are up now