The email which Channing Tatum is supposed to have sent to Sony on 14th June 2014 after his film 22 JumpStreet achieved second highest opening for an adult comedy in US box office history.  The over elated Channing started the email with ‘F YOU TED !!!! SECOND OF ALLLL TIMMMMME BEEEOTCH!!!! COME ON JUMPSTREETERS WE GOT CATE BLANCHETT WIT DIS BOX OFFICE B****ES!!!!!!!.!’ The email which was published in Gawker is given below On Jun 14, 2014, at 2:19 PM, “33& out inc C/O FULTON & MEY” <[EMAIL REDACTED]> wrote: The typical Channing style email which contains n number aha’s mentions Cate Blanchett with reference to joke in 22 Jump Street, while Channing’s ‘F YOU TED’ referenced the Mark Wahlberg movie, released in 2012, which was knocked down a spot in the opening-weekend rankings by 22 Jump Street. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAH AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA and the email continues with infinite AHAS