Zed A. Shaw has a perfect answer for you. The Learn Python The Hard Way author Shaw has a suggestion: Learn the basics of four programming languages. Shaw describes in detail the difference between beginner coders and early coders. Beginners have zero experience, so they will need to learn the really simple stuff like opening the terminal — things that other programmers might take for granted and assume people already know. Early coders, on the other hand, have a bit of experience already and the basic skills down, and just need more training, particularly with problem solving. To get the basic coding skills to go from beginner to early programmer, Shaw recommends learning four different languages: While most of the coders would love to start with a single language they fancy, learning four sounds a awful lot for a beginner. But Shaw’s explanation is hard hitting as the idea is to broaden your perspective and understanding of programming and the basics down. That all boils down to choosing the first one to learn. You can refer this article to get going with coding. Early vs. Beginning Coders