Taruna received an email from an unknown hacker, who claimed to have hacked into her accounts. The hacker threatened Taruna that he will leak her private photos and videos online unless she made another set of her nude photos and sent them to him. Instead of complying with the hackers threat, Taruna decided to go public. She made an all revealing Facebook post in which she posted screenshots of the email from her blackmailer who is a person named “Kevin John”. Taruna appealed to the online community through her Facebook post to help her track the hacker so he could be handed over to authorities. She says in her post, “ Taruna’s post became viral and a good samaritan tagged it to Mumbai Police who replied asking her to file a complaint. Social media users from all over the world have applauded Taruna’s courage and congratulated her for standing up to cyberbullying. Kindly check out Taruna’s Facebook post and help her identify the hacker/blackmailer so he is handed over to the authorities.